Sunday, March 20, 2011

Roof almost complete...

Hi all, another weekend has past and we spent both days over at the house, we have made some minor changes to a wall in the kitchen to allow for a larger fridge, also cleaned the inside. Most of Saturday was spent installing gutter mesh, not a very exciting job, but one best done whilst the scaffolding is in place. On Friday the Roof Installers must have been busy before the rain as they have all the roof sheets on and most of the ridge capping. The carpenters are due back on Monday to start on the hardy panelling, will keep you posted.


  1. We had a productive weekend! Looking forward to many more...

  2. The right number of roof and attic vents will extend the life of your roof and help prevent expensive repairs.

  3. Yes, that is very true, and they will also help reduce your cooling costs by expelling very hot air from within your roof on hot days. We are installing one on either end of the house.

  4. Well as it turns out we only put one on. It looked more balanced with the layout of our roof line.
